Hi Pierre: I did notice, near the beginning of the video, they said something about not being in competition with wind turbines and solar, but more complementary. Sounds a bit like Dabiri with his idea of placing smaller vertical-axis turbines in existing windfarms. I was thinking like “Yeah, that’s what they all say…”
People tend to forget, that “remote island” will have choices…

The wind maps showing ideal conditions over a certain height in most locations in the world seemed possibly a bit optimistic, and I’d be concerned with longevity and reliability issues, maybe some short component lifetimes, but at least they are doing something that makes power. Better than nuthin’… :slight_smile:

As an investor (dream on) I would be less concerned about the inventor / developer running away with the cash if they’ve already spent a decade unpaid grafting on target. Also just ensure they only have access to spend through your account if you really are worried

Geez I was talking about Skysails, noting the continued impressive numbers. Not the Open-AWE-please-share-your-IP-with-me-pool.
Not sure if I forgot which topic I was in, or the message was moved or what(?).

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I was also talking about Skysails, not AKN of course. Don’t worry, we are not topic off. The Open-AWE-please-share-what-we-don’t-have potentially comprises all AWE IP, including Skysails’.

Interesting, @Rodread @Windy_Skies @Tom @ufechner

It’s rather unfortunate that Jalbert Aerology Laboratory and its CTO DaveS under the global AWEIA has been so long misunderstood.
This forum now is coming to what the old AWES forum on yahoo groups long tried to achieve and has been working on.
Not everyone however is generously minded as to selflessly care for others or to even try sharing with others of that which they consider themselves able to monopolize.
The first blow or rather betrayal AWEIA first had was the setting up of the AWE Consortium led by Joby when he was refused control via purchase of AWEIA’s
JAL’s open invitation to its patent pooling initiative is yet an attempt at seeking universal collaboration for AWE as in Engineers Without Boarders International.
AWEIA International was conceived and operates as an Industry incubating charity offering free membership to all in hope of voluntary support from all as the entire world is considered stakeholders and beneficiaries of the potential benefits of AWE.
AWEurope can yet serve the world better by embracing AWEIA INTERNATIONAL going forward.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
John Oyebanji

You know, this type of presentation is SO delusional. These entities are nothing but a figment of the imaginations of the circular firing squad. Three people pointing at each other citing made-up “credentials” that when examined, are often completely fictitious, such as the period where Santos insisted Wayne had been director of research at Boeing, when he never even worked at Boeing, even as a janitor! Dave has NOT been “misunderstood” - There has been way more than ample discussion of anything he has had to say for 14 years now. You are just continuing the ongoing process of the endless lies from this group, part of which is to constantly try to rewrite history. Shifting “the story” from “kPower” to “Jalbert Aerology Laboratory and its CTO DaveS under the global AWEIA” just sounds so ridiculous to me. It is nothing but a continuation of Santos’ endless talk-talk-talk with nothing really happening. Every so often they announdce some new “breakthrough”, post a 3-second video of it doing nothing, then it;s over and they are on to their NEXT "breakthrough. Changing the names from “kPower” to JAL, and citing some made-up “position” as “CTO” is meaningless. Anyone who has followed these characters knows this.
I feel like I’m (obviously) wasting my time trying to even have a sensible conversation in the “world of AWE”, especially when dealing with this PARTICULAR group that ONLY talks, often lying, and NEVER generates ANY significant power, while the whole time all they have are their bragging threats. That’s all they’ve EVER had. How anyone could take anything they say seriously at this point is incomprehensible, and actually, I don’t think anyone does.
Look people, there is a standard in wind energy, and that is making power. If you say you have a wind energy solution, the main question is how much power it makes. This is easily measured just as if you said you were ten feet tall, you use a tape measure to verify height. It is also easily demonstrated without even looking at a meter, if your electric bill is zero. As in powering even ONE house (instead of hundreds)
When a wind-energy-crackpot of ANY KIND walks into a room and announces his “breakthrough” there is ONE response: SHOW US YOUR POWER.
In many cases, it amounts to advising them to connect a generator to their stated apparatus. Yes it is this ridiculous, that you have to explain to people who say they can generate electricity that they will need to attach some sort of generator to verify that. Most of them will just give up at that point, while a FEW will come back with a generator included and show that they can make almost zero power, and their apparatus might be relegated to a symbolic rotating art display, until the first strong wind hits it, at which point it is discarded as scrap.
On the one hand, I feel like someone should stand up for the truth in wind energy. but on the other hand, when someone has been a complete newbie with no significant output for 14 years of bragging and is STILL claiming to have ONE MORE attempt at claiming the latest “breakthrough”, STILL unable to show any significant output, I have to say, it would behoove me to move on, and stop trying to point out the facts. If people want to live in a complete fantasy-world of phantom “accomplishments” and made-up “credentials”, so be it. Have fun, for anyone who wants to listen to it.

DaveS to Doug:

"The KiteLab/kPower/JAL “Promise” is to “Test, Test, Test. and Test again”, as Fort Felker asserted. JAL is constantly testing, but New Forum censorship is blocking a huge amount of content. JohnO is already too unfairly burdened and attacked to fully offset the censorship damage to the public record. Testing the World’s First Advanced Kite Network AWES is going well.

Let New Forum censorship be lifted for readers to review the all the JAL progress; to judge by objective evidence." Censorship is Ignorance."

AWE as a newborn baby -

Yeah, that really clears things up. Thanks for clarifying! How could anyone have doubted you?
I have a suggestion: Show us, and the rest of the world, something you HAVE ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED, NOT another threat of future accomplishment.
Your idle threats carry no meaning.
A painting of “Moses as a baby” is not relevant.
Looks like it was lifted from a Jehovah’s Witness pamphlet.
This is the closest you can come to generating any power - posting an irrelevant imaginary religious picture.
Good luck with that…

DaveS: "I asked JohnO not to share ongoing JAL progress to the New Forum, that it is properly my job to share as CTO, if I was not wrongly banned. JohnO deserves better than be the only work-around for Windy’s ban. Anyone blinded by censorship, who therefore thinks there is no progress, is mistaken.

Doug has never been able to present a single email of his that was ever censored by JoeF. All of Doug’s old emails remain publicly archived and searchable, as far as I know. I also have all Doug’s old emails in my mailer, and so do others in theirs, to prove what was delivered.

There was no censorship, just patient rebuttal to Doug’s opinions. Thousands of emails can be produced that the New Forum is censoring, that I have not been able to post. Many are third-party AWE News that New Forum readers are missing. No wonder there is so much pessimism, with the mindless censoring of the most hopeful information."

Kite Network R&D Progress is relentless.

A correction for Doug-

Doug: “Santos insisted Wayne had been director of research at Boeing”

"DaveS: Wayne was indeed a leader, if not formally a director, in Boeing’s Flight Research Institute (FRI) that met at MoF SeaTac, with luminaries like Burt Rutan, as press clippings of the time confirm. Wayne was a key exponent of AWE in Boeing’s sphere (also Lang and Carlin), whose AWE roots dated back to Billy Roeseler’s visionary Boeing AWE papers in the '60s. BillyR and his sone CoreyR went on to invent KiteSurfing on the Columbia River. No “lie”.

It was my honor to work with Wayne in Portland the summer of 2007, and he visited the Coast where I took up for seven years at the World Kite Museum. We are very well connected, rather than the cranks and crackpots Doug encountered in the backyard wind power scene."

I hate to waste one more minute of my life answering your endless lies, but I will cite one example: After Roddy took my suggestion and tried some hard airfoils for power-production, as opposed to following Dave Santos’ advice to use single-skin kites for power production, and Roddy suddenly attained over 1000 Watts, I commented to Roddy on “the old forum” that he “had been listening to the wrong people”. Joe Faust deleted my message and told me I could not say Roddy had been listening to the wrong people. This is just one teeny example of the extreme censorship that took place on the old forum, and in fact the censorship there was one one of the main topics of discussion, at least when anyone could get a message through addressing it.
For Dave Santos to now claim there was no censorship on the old forum is just one more of his ridiculous lies, sorry to have to point out.
And i don;t know how many times I have now pointed out how appropriate it is that Dave Santos should find himself the target of the same exact type of censorship that was a normal occurrence on the old forum, It is Karma coming back to bit you, Dave. Some of your own medicine. I find it ironic how I would wish in extreme disillusionment that Dave Santos could somehow experience how it felt to be regularly censored on what was supposed to be an open forum. I wondered how he would react. Well now I know: He would respond with more of his lies that there was no censorship on the old forum, because in the end, lies are all he’s got to offer. It is truly amazing. And now when pressed for any details of his latest lie, that he will develop the Jalbert triangles into a TeraWatt technology, he of course has a convenient excuse for no power: That he is censored here. Funny how he has no problem telling more lies here if he says he is censored. I’m saying the claims of generating power with the Jalbert triangles is one more lie. If anyone cares, see how things turn out. What will it mean to Dave Santos? Nothing. He will just move on to the next lie. He couldn’t care less.

OK so you admit you lied about Wayne being Director of Research at Boeing.
I’ve seen where you got that wrong idea. It was a passage that barely mentioned Wayne, among other people, mentioning a completely different person who HAD held such a position at Boeing. You can find it by googling I’m sure, because that was how I found it. When I saw that, I knew where you had gotten your completely wrong fantasy information, because you had obviously not read it carefully. Wayne was never employed by Boeing in any capacity. Boeing was a part sponsor of some local kite club, which Wayne showed up for. That’s the extent of it.