AWE train system

In this topic, kite trains and turbine trains have been mentioned.

I would like to make the following remark which would need to be confirmed: a tilted turbine train
(@gordon_sp’s configurations are not concerned) like SuperTurbine ™ (sketch of a variant below) requires a lower elevation angle (25-30 degrees) than a kite train, because the angle of attack (AoA) (or the tilted angle if we prefer) of the turbines needs to be high enough in order to not be too penalized by cosine loss, leading to a relatively high spacing between turbines.

A kite train could fly at a higher elevation angle, kite AoA being lower, and lift being mainly wanted. That said spacing between unities can also be significant, as shown on the following video:

In spite of possible spacing requirement (how much spacing with a kite train made up of good lifter kites?), a kite train can be a way for study, leading to super lifters for a reduced used space and a high elevation angle, allowing to support a higher area of not tilted turbines in @Kitewinder or @gordon_sp 's ways.

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