I’d like to elaborate a little.
On a very basic level the idea is simple, and yes it would fly.
I am reading the Elon Musk book at the moment and will try to make a comparison. Saying this AWE is simple is like saying sending a rocket to Mars is as simple as having a huge fuel tank and thrusters. If the energy adds up, you will arrive at Mars.
For sure having things adding up is a very good starting point. I think many fail even before that. But if you actually want to build something useful that of course is a whole other story.
For the rotating AWE I would argue that dealing with oscillations is a major problem. If we just stick the wing to the tether, it is going to deflect and bend, then cause oscillations. So the designer needs to figure out if that can be acceptable.
Having a single wing will always be the thing that has the least drag. So for me I try to stick to whats more efficient, if possible. Look at windmills in general; they seem aerodynamically very efficient. Why bet on a non-efficient AWE design?
As for any design with variable pull force, that structure will deform cyclically. This was very deliberate when I came up with «The Pyramid» to keep the flying speed and tension in each tether constant so that I would never have to deal with that. I am thinking start as simple as you can, because multi kite AWE is already way too complex.
And so it goes. We can only discuss quite basic things in this forum due to time and bandwidth constraints. Any effort to build a real system would require thousands of hours of work and careful thought put into so many facets of the design.
With «The Pyramid» I wanted to present a concept that would serve as a good starting point for something real. There is much more thought put into that design than meets the eye. So many options have already been discarded on the way. I think it would be unlikely for anyone else to arrive at the same design and have my exact preferences. If you could not yourself deduce the design from scratch you would most likely not be well situated to complete the design in a good way. The way it stands, I hope though it may serve as an inspiration.