High drag coefficient

In this topic almost only drag is mentioned. Lift is also necessary to make an energy kite. Examples of parasails and steerable rescue parachutes are provided, of which the Rogallo being able to become a suitable tether-aligned AWES, some calculations of thrust, drag and lift coefficients (Ct of 3.425, Cd of 2.86, and Cl of 1.9 with an elevation angle of 33°40’, as hypothetical numbers) being here.

A train of these Rogallo kites looks difficult. So I see a single-tether-kite as an unity. I think (only intuitively) that high coefficients would lead to higher waves, so the requirement of more spacing, in addition to spacing by safety requirement. I would prefer few gigantic unities to mitigate these requirements, while being sufficient to fill production gaps in a pumping mode farm.

That said if there is a practical limit of scaling, more numerous smaller unities remain a possibility. Active control with sensors would then allow each kite to move away from its neighbor in the event of excessive proximity.

Depower by a third line or by releasing one of the two lines. Control by a control pod aloft, or in the ground station.

An example of a Rogallo parachute, with specifications (sink rate) perhaps still more promising (with higher coefficients) for a kite use:

Tested as a rescue parachute on: