Kite Networks

Kite Networks (scalable designs) is a main topic. So it deserves to be in System Design.

Beside or within Kite Network concept, Dave Santos introduced the concept of aerotecture regarding Mothra in the present forum.

Aerotecture ™ is also a trade name for a wind turbine.
Aerotecture is mentioned on the publication below, The Return of the Rigid Airship:

Aerotecture would be an (habitable?) airborne architecture. Now what could be the difference between aerotecture and kite network? Or would aerotectures be included within kite networks, or even be unities within a kite network?

The difference I see: a kite network can be kites connected by ropes such like a train of kites, as an example of similar unities that are connected. But a kite network can also be a modular construction such like Mothra. From this the “aerotecture” term could define a construction with several elements forming a whole, said elements being or not modular elements. Mothra could be an “aerotecture”, but also the same for a kytoon as it contains several (not modular) elements.

Basically, we explore different ways of scaling.