Let's (re)build the AWES community!

Since people will, since they can, still post in the main categories without subcategories, moderators would need to move them there to no real benefit. That’s why I won’t make “misc” subcategories, but if more people demand them, I will.

Can confirm.

Ah, let’s just try putting all the Wikis in one category and a sticky post with links and see what happens.^^
Most wikis don’t have a proper category fit anyway.
Don’t think there’d be people working on articles for an external wiki since there are few working on wikis here.

Will move posts there soon and link them in the list soon if noone has done it before I get around to it.

@dougselsam If you want to encourage people to build more, I think doing so in a positive way is more effective. Do you think there would have been more progress if people had not been discussing things? While the benefit might not be large, I don’t think anyone built less because they were busy discussing things online. I mean - even you seem to find the time even though you’ve expressed that building is vastly more important.