"Methodology to Compare the Potential of Two Concepts for an Energy Ship Using Airborne Wind Energy"

Authors: Nicole Frommer, Po Wen Cheng.

Pumping concept is compared to propulsion concept.

This work was presented in 10th International Airborne Wind Energy Conference (AWEC 2024) in Madrid and is available on the Program (with a link for the video) and the Book of Abstracts | AWEC 2024 page 25.

In the video (at 8:20) there is an indication that “Pumping concept higher mean power than propulsion concept” in the “First results- large kites”; and (at 10:00):“Pumping concept performs better for given parameter space”:

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Thanks for sharing Pierre. There is a huge lack of realism in the model for the sailing ship. I think the issue is that the sailing ship has no daggerboard at all. Even on a ship without daggerboard, the hull is acting as a wing and provides lift which enables to go upwind (for example on a hobbie cat) while sailing.

It is well known that the maximum potential of wind energy harvesing is by side wind with sails or with a static kite.
https://theses.hal.science/tel-03530282/document page 97

With a dynamic kite, it depends on hull and kite lift to drag ratio.

I was not able to find the corresponding work (except the abstract).
I will try to get in touch with Nicole.

So for now, please do not consider the conclusions.


I was also puzzled by the lack of daggerboard in this and other ship based AWE concepts. I think you cant overlook the aerodynamics of the kite and hydrodynamics of the hull need to be both finely tuned. No daggerboard = you lost me.

I am saying daggerboard for consistency, maybe keel is a better term for larger ships? Anyways…

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In french we would say “surface anti-dérive” or anti-drift surface as a general world. Keel is also playing a role on heel/roll stability which is not of tremendous importance with kite traction.

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