Dave Santos has been advocating passive control for a long time. How to define passive control? Some of his words and links to start:
Bryan’s original framing, which dealt with both kites and powered flight.
I was honored to have been mentored by Professor Ronald Stearman (UTexas AE), Father of Modern Aeroelasticity, a direct intellectual descendent and elaborator of Bryan. Dave Lang (NASA, Boeing, Drachen) made me aware I had been trained by a giant, and now Bryan is seen as the obscure giant before, even admired by Einstein, as a Patent Clerk, 2nd Class, and Bryan peer-reviewer. Let there be no doubt whose differential equations hold, those who “wrote the book” of aeronautical science, not those who copy and paste them in a vain churn of low-impact AWE papers.
**The Art of AWETap-Root of AWE Engineering Science //Re: Bryan 1915
Just finished reading with delight-
AWE research has been recapitulating an original division in aeronautical engineering, between advocates of Active Control v. Inherent Stability. As then, active control achieves flight as an engineering short-cut, with high cost in safety-reliability. As then, active (“short-period”) flight control partisans ignore, disdain, or even disbelieve (“long-period”) passive stability (“AWE is essentially a problem of Control”, their refrain goes).
In Bryan, we see the genesis of forms and notation standard today in AE. In Bryan, flight stability became a matter of understanding aircraft as complex dynamical multi-oscillators with structurally damped limit cycles; a radical view a century ago but well settled science today. AWE theory falls squarely within , its essential praxis, is not complex digital control, but sensitive tuning of natural aero-oscillation for maximized pumping power-cycles (USP3987987fig5), across turbulence scales, matched to on-demand loading of generator shafts. Dynamical Stability.**
Fine historical context for Bryan’s achievements in aeronautics:
Bryan, Stability in Aviation, Boyd
Discussion here would not be complete without noting Kite Networks in bulk oscillation modes as AWE’s ready GW-class scaling path. Many thanks to Faust, Lang, Culp, German, Langbein and so on…
Perhaps this topic could focus on ideas for training generators, or other thoughts.