Questions about Moderation

I gave @dougselsam a time out. The last couple of days I had to spend too much time moderating his comments.

Some examples:

Someone needs a break. And someone needs to up their game, considerably. Or maybe find a different hobby where results are more immediate, like gardening.


I again gave @dougselsam a time out, for some 18 days this time.

This time I did not bother to moderate his comments from the last couple of days, with the one exception below, except to move some of them.

So, I deleted this:

And ignored these and others:

Commentary does not add to or improve the conversation.

Climate change denialism.

Commentary does not add to or improve the conversation.

Source has an agenda.

@dougselsam you shouldn’t let poets lie to you I’ll declare commentary about the lack of critical analysis in the news off-topic on this forum. Anyone capable of advancing the field has enough scientific and media literacy to not need to be reminded of such basics, and won’t be hypnotized by the TV.

And a negative tone is not a substitute for valid criticism. That’s just negative vacuousness, which I will rate limit, now through time outs.

Questions are welcome like always.


I will make this topic public for a bit. Let me know if you’d like to try moderation or what vision on moderation you have.

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Why not test a software for moderation?

Assign moderators to forums

A quite common use case for permissions and roles are forum moderation. phpBB3 makes assigning users as moderators of forums really simple.

As you might have already guessed, moderation of specific forums is a local setting, so you can find FORUM MODERATORS in the section for FORUM BASED PERMISSIONS. First of all, you will have to select the forum (or forums) you want to assign new moderators to. This form is divided into two sections. In the first one, you can select multiple forums (select multiple by holding down the CTRL button on your keyboard, or cmd (under MacOS X)), where the moderator settings you will set in the following form will only apply to these exact forums. The second area allows you to select only one forum but your changes will apply not only to this forum but also all its subforums.

After selecting the forums and clicking SUBMIT, you will be greeted by a form you should already be familiar with from one of the previous sections in this guide: Figure 1.7, “Select Groups”. Here you can select the users or groups that should receive some kind of moderation ability over the selected forums. So go ahead: Select some users and/or groups and press the SET PERMISSIONS button.

In the next form you can choose, what moderator permissions the selected users/groups should receive. First of all, there are some predefined roles from which you can select:


A Standard Moderator can approve or disapprove, edit and delete posts, delete or close reports, but not necessarily change the owner of a post. This kind of moderator can also issue warnings and view details of a post.


A Simple Moderator can edit posts and close and delete reports and can also view post details.


As a Queue Moderator, you can only approve or disapprove posts that landed in the moderator queue and edit posts.


Full Moderators can do everything moderation-related; they can even ban users.

That is phpBB, this forum runs on Discourse, which does the same thing you are quoting like this: Understanding user statuses, roles, and permissions - Site Management - Discourse Meta // Trust Level Permissions Table (inc Moderator Roles) - Using Discourse - Discourse Meta

So both TL3 (regular) and TL4 (leader) user groups can recategorize and rename topics for example, leaders and moderators can merge and close topics for example, and moderators can silence or suspend users for example.

Another time out.

Also, why are you writing essays.

Here is another timestamp. She talks about a theorist. Imagine she is talking about an experimentalist instead, not liking theory. Or in your case someone who pretends to be an experimentalist but hasn’t done anything since, what was it, 2009:

Looking through the admin logs, Doug was unsilenced on July 7. Between August 2 and September 6 when I silenced him again, I deleted these comments from Doug. This ignores the moved comments, and the comments I ignored in the moment but that still contributed to the time out, like the one I quoted above.

I changed my mind on this one later and undeleted it.

Does not add to the conversation as this is not a media analysis forum. Topic deleted due to moving the comment to a different topic.

This was an older comment.