When and why is weight important? And how important is it? Couldn’t we ignore gravity in some AWES?
Random link: https://www.ralfgroeseldesign.com/post/tube-vs-softkite-an-epic-battle
Maybe the rigidity of the beams is important? To keep the fabric smooth the beams need to be rigid? And the fabric itself would need to be strengthened to handle the larger total load.
The new structural concept Tensairity: Basic principles
The maximal bending moment in the middle of the beam is given by standard beam theory M = \frac{q*L^2}8
The Tensairity beam is ten to one hundred times stronger than a simple airbeam with the same dimensions and pressure. Or to put it differently, the pressure in a simple airbeam must be ten to one hundred times larger then in a Tensairity beam to withstand the same load.