World Wide Wind

To me, it seems really amazing, when you go to their website, they are promoting giant vertical-axis turbines for offshore, citing proposed counter-rotation of an upper half and a lower half as their main innovation.
As though counter-rotation for wind turbines is a new idea…
And they show photos of all the “in-all-seriousness” high-level “personnel” supposedly about to develop this amazing breakthrough…
You’d think actual grownups would know better.
Have they never read a book on wind energy?
Do they think we can’t see all the extra material their concept would use to create a less-efficient turbine that would tend to rip itself apart?
As though nobody ever built a vertical-axis turbine before…
As though vertical-axis turbines have not already gained a bad reputation whereby almost nobody builds one anymore…
I think they are holding back on revealing their secret weapon:
“Professor Crackpot” must be their behind-the-scenes technical advisor! :slight_smile:

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