AWES Initiator Lifting Devices

The Pyramid had this idea that the kites were launched directly from the ground and powered by the generator in reverse for the first few meters. So that would be a candidate for that last question. Though the cartwheel is not such a far leap from a mast.

I gather a moving mast like the cartwheel has kind of would allow more launch per
material use, though at the cost of complexity.

Makani did an early video showing a kite launched bu compressed air. Its a neat idea but not very scalable.

Seems to me the only feasible way to automate huge lifters is the russian doll «mamoschka» principle, where a smaller kite launches
a slightly bigger one, then repeat until you have enough.

Also on the same theme, my idea for a fold out lifter, at the back of a drone. But even this one would probably have a very small kite launched first, to pull out the main pilot kite from the drone.

Endless options. Maybe time to consult the oracle AI? :slight_smile:

Just adding links to some related threads…

Just figured out, it should be Babushka dolls…

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