Questions about Moderation

Seems on topic to me to question promises without demonstration of any actual tech

A sensible question about moderation might read something like…
@rschmehl where the ÂŁ0@* are those AWEC videos?


Ahh, yes, another lying press-release, another lying website, and another “moderator” moving a response to the lies into a hidden topic, where those who think they know better can abuse the people who dare to flag the endless lies, and tell the truth.

The topic of that original post should be “news coverage” and not “news” because it does not represent actual news, only more lies from, if experience means anything, more idiots. By now, you should realize the 99.9% chance that this press-release is NOTHING but another nothing-burger. Sheer fantasy. Not a real effort. Just kids with the derangement syndrome and too much time on their hands.

I found the following text already here, from a previous post I had not hit “save edit” on:

I do not think this “topic” should be hidden. It places “moderators” in a position of “absolute power”, while reducing the voice of everyone else to zero if they disagree with the endless attempts at a pretense of no idiots on here. As a subject, wind energy is a magnet for crackpots, AWE is a neodymium supermagnet. That’s who is here. That’s who tends to want to run forums on it. Deal with it. You can’t hide it. Let’s have transparency of the insanity this subject attracts. One might note that there is not always that much left to say in AWE. Only so much you can expect for substituting online discussions for actual experimentation and productivity. At some point, in lieu of any actual AWE activity taking place, the idle unfounded fantasies of complete, proven, nutcases is all you’ve got left. As many have pointed out in other venues, the responsible thing is not to silence views one disagrees with, it is to provide calm, reasoned rebuttals. Hiding this subject is chicken-shit. Kind of like if Amazon only allowed 5-star reviews, placing all critical reviews in a special file nobody knows about, and will never find. It’s dishonest.

Ya grumpy gibbon
Let’s learn from that playground level insult. I made it up, can you tell?
Surely us being AMAZING Inventors can build a techno fix to forum woes.
Or at least get good at using our tools.
Isn’t there a poll button? e.g. Do you think this invention will A: flop B:sail C:dominate ? Vote now
Can we put an extra set of flags on posts to avoid repetition
heart (we have) what about wobbly confused face :confused:
or :crazy_face: button ? don’t need to say much more if you’re not convinced
There should be more danger warning buttons :zap: :stop_sign:

We’re out in the sunny Mojave Desert, way out on my ranch, spreading seeds in the wind of desert willow trees. Once started, they stay green with beautiful flowers with no water. Native to Arizona. Seeds spread by the wind, which we have, as usual. Trying to “roll back the desert” We’ve got a few species of tree that miraculously just grow and stay green all summer. Anyway, just stopped in for a drink of water and wanted to check and see if anything is going on in AWE right now…
Oh, as far as the kite-powered mini-shipping barge idea - well, I’ve had the same idea, and it could include solar, of just when ships become autonomous, you can dispense with the cost of the crew and they could target smaller ports. But meanwhile, you’ve got pirates, and if anything might attract pirates, it would be cargo with nobody guarding it at a reachable height. And I guess somehow the kites are going to stay airborne 100% of the time. OK, sounds good - I guess it could be done. But dreaming is one thing, executing is another. From what I remember reading, it was framed in the here-and-now, not as forward-looking statements. Anyway, seems like most everything we have on here, after 14 years and counting, is forward-looking statements, or guesses as to whether anything is going on. In my opinion, at some point, we should just recognize mere talk for what it is, and any sort of actual results, as a separate category - maybe call it “reality”? Anyway, as we know so well at this point, anyone can (and does) say they will do anything in the future. But it takes more than a website and a few renderings to make a difference. :slight_smile:

Yet you have claimed this “nonsensical proposal” on three successive comments.
I only repeated the data mentioned by yourself on the third one, as it highlights the catenary sag effect penalty by “lengthening the TRPT” (your terms) :

“The optimisations continue and they spit” is now becoming a “nonsensical proposal”, isn’t it?

Note that my last question concerned any model of Daisy you want, not necessary the model page 227 if you don’t like it anymore.

But maybe the problem comes from myself, the English language not being my native language. I am certainly unable to discern the subtleties that may exist behind the contradictions I have just pointed out, surely to a fault.

From all this it appears that I am perhaps not able to distinguish what is technical in your contributions, for example this one:

There are probably some hidden technical ideas: could you please reveal them?

I’m going to quote another message that seems to sum it all up in a concise way, so that everyone can benefit from the technical treasure you’ll be able to reveal:

Unfortunately my English is not good enough to appreciate this message to its full extent. Can you reveal the secret code opening the technical quintessence so that everyone can benefit from it? Thanks.

This is off-topic or something. You can try submitting the comment without it.

The topic is also getting messy with stuff like this. Off-topic commentary should go somewhere else, or flag comments that you think go against the FAQ.

Partial moderation, as usual. You (the moderation) never respect the FAQ you invoke. Technical critics are allowed for some players, but not not for others. And it comes out in the end. In this post I was wrong to quote @Rodread stinky, non-technical comments.

The term “Fuck off” doesn’t need clarifying in long form.
It relates my wish to separate your presence from a situation to relieve annoyance.
It’s not a personal attack.
And It was in a personal message.
And in further personal messages, non public messages, I’ll be more of a rude ct if you continue being an awkward tt.
Deal with it.
And while you deal with it. Work on improving your arguments - the technical aspects suck shit

You don’t have to worry. You can insult anyone you want at any time. I won’t bother to put a flag, knowing that the FAQ instructions don’t apply to you.

Be careful though, more and more people are coming to understand that there is a FAQ for moderation, and a FAQ for others.

And when technical questions make you lose your temper, just yell: help! as you just did once again.

You can’t be more wrong. Incorporated or not, AWEIA is alive even now in 2022.
In Nigeria, France, Italy, USA, Canada, etc.

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You’re necroposting and not giving evidence for your claim.


  • This page was last edited on 21 January 2022, at 16:27 (UTC).
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That page should be removed for lack of Wikipedia:Notability - Wikipedia and Wikipedia:Conflict of interest - Wikipedia. To propose deletion follow the instructions here: Wikipedia:Proposed deletion - Wikipedia or perhaps ask others to look into by adding the notability template: * {{Notability|date=November 2022}}.

It’s Joe Faust’s usual Wikipedia vandalism, or misunderstanding of its purpose, which we can see more evidence for here: User talk:Joefaust - Wikipedia Because AWE is or was niche, much of it goes undetected.

I have had two (2) highly relevant-to-this-topic posts deleted within the last 24 hours. There is no explanation nor notification from who is deleting my posts, and it falls into the typical motivation for censorship and silencing truth-tellers: covering up the truth. Is that what you really want here - a coverup of the truth? I’m getting really tired of liars on this site and the unknown scared-to-identify-themselves chicken-shit people involved in the coverup of the lies here. I’m really getting to the point that I do not think this site deserves the presence of anyone who has any idea what they are talking about. I think maybe this site is going the way of so many venues, duplicating the previous site run by these same liars, where truth is not welcome, and the theme is just entertaining the liars and promoting their lies, while covering up an attempt to reveal any truth whatsoever and set people straight. The entire history of AWE amounts to mostly lies and the ensuing disappointment as one after another, each supposed effort turns out to have been mostly lies, false statements, and broken promises, by people who real wind energy people commonly refer to as just “idiots”. Sad to see, after 14 years+, we have not moved forward one single inch, and we still suffer from people claiming to offer open forums, nonetheless not only tolerating, but defending-by-omission-of-facts, the lies of the liars who have always been and are still, so prevalent in this supposed field of AWE. I’d like whomever is deleting my posts to restore them and get off your high horse of protecting the liars that ruin this conversation and who turn this entire field into a joke. You are just doing the same exact thing as facebook, google, twitter, and all the rest have been identified as doing for several years now, and which so many good people are finally waking up to and protesting. Covering up the truth is not productive and it makes you as bad as any of the liars and their lies that you protect.

I guess this would be the topic where we’ve been discussing the notion of false credentials, such as past statements of Wayne having been “Director of Research at Boeing”, when in actuality he was not even employed by Boeing, together with false promises of future activity. The news today over on this side of the pond is about similar lies and false statements from politicians here, as though someone just noticed politicians lie. Whether in politics, or research and engineering, faking credentials and making false statements ultimately meet resistance, and are not good for the credibility of the individuals making the statements or the field as a whole:

Off-topic. Also barely relevant to AWE, or no more relevant to it than to any other field. You seem to want to talk about it much more often than I think is necessary, and that some person in US politics got caught is no reason to start a topic about it here. Maybe you could post this here where the people you’re complaining about were or are doing the things you’re complaining about.

Oh, moving carefully-written posts to a fake, secret “topic” that nobody can find again, huh? You morons running this site are about to lose another participant. I’m not putting up with this BS anymore. As Jesus said, “let the Romans have their Roman coins”, I say “Let the lying idiots have their idiot lying forum.” No longer interested.

And Windy Skies, whoever you are, I’m tired of your “no-reply” emails announcing your liar-nurturing censorship, and the retarded opinions they are based on. You people running any sort of forum are all the same: You CAN’T STAND open communication. You all come into it promising an open forum, but what you really mean is you have highly-limited thinking, and want to restrict the conversation of everyone else, based on your own limited thinking. WHy not just have a blog, that way you can just make sure every opinion is your own? It is just TOTALLY CHICKEN-SHIT to hide behind anonymity AND censorship, AND messages that cannot be replied to. You can HAVE your stupid excuse for a forum. Count me out.