Scaling by size

Scaling by size and Scaling in numbers rather than size could be gathered together, above all for a rotor like on the sketch below, by simple attachment of the wings to increase the wingspan without having to implement too large units, achieving a networked AWES with structural cohesion:

Rotor with wings tied
I thought about tied wings also for a crosswind AWES, but they are better for a rotor, because the relative narrowness of the blades is compensated by their number in order to fully sweep the wind area, and this without affecting the cohesion of the structure which could function without automated control (although all the same implemented).

The structure on the sketch is achieved by tie additional wings for the two-bladed rotor on the video below; when it becomes very large some additional paired blades are added.

By tying GigaFly (60 m span) each other, gigantic wings could be achieved: a sort of networked kites but mitigating the risk of entanglement.

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