Slow Chat II

About Kite Power for Commercial Shipping:


In my view there are two chances of this happening in the foreseeable future: Zero, none, and a teensy possibility that indirect kite propulsion by way of on-board kite generated electricity driving a conventional propeller may work. […] Peter Lynn, Ashburton NZ, February '09
PS, I’m an optimist

I note that Kite Power for Commercial Shipping is not on your list of ten advancements. The same for AWE for electricity generation (e-AWES), now after 15 years of intense research and a favorable environment. No AWES marketed (apart from Kiwee and perhaps some unities for SkySails).

It is true that you cited 10 new technologies in primary areas. The kite itself cannot be part of it, since it comes from an old technology, although an AWES of which one of the components is the kite can use one of these technologies that you mention: in this case we would have an application of one or more new technologies to the kite, such as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) for example.

It is an issue for e-AWES. There are many other issues: reliability, efficiency, maintenance, land and space use

I think that’s the reality. I am not saying that any other development such as e-AWES is not possible, but is unlikely goal under current conditions: a Copernican revolution would be necessary to already identify the problems of implementation and operation and not restrict them to a simple problem of Control. For the rest I refer to Peter Lynn’s analysis which still holds up.

Do not underestimate the fact that certain remarks which might not seem encouraging at first glance, could also promote a boost in the development of compound technologies such as AWE offers.