Advanced Kite Networks

What does this mean?

@AweEnthusiast if you are defending these ideas, then can you tell me a simple thing: How do you propose to convert lift in the kites into actual energy. The interesting numbers should include the number and diameter of «spider legs» tethers, how far they move, at which frequency they move, or maybe speed, how many kites in the network at which size are needed to generate such tension and movement?

I am only interested in concrete answers here, no vague explanations.

Because - I am convinced noone has any clue about these things for AKN. We are operating in the realm of sci-fi (as in fiction). This is a place to discuss real matters.

If, on the other hand, you could supply a fair description of said values, I would be more than happy to tell you what I think about the concept.

The gauntlet has been thrown. Do you accept the challenge?

@tallakt , I think you know that it is not possible, given the description provided in the AKN pdf and the comments of the current topic, comprising mine. AKN should be seen as a start to progress, and not as a turnkey project.

In contrats, as you pointed, the publication on provides some values and estimations. So I think you could provide an advice for this concept with three anchors-pulleys. Since AKN is based on this concept, as well as on figure 5 of Payne’s patent, we may have made some progress.

So, since I see that you, John, and me, might want to pursue the analysis, I propose to take this paper describing a three pulley-anchored system, as a basis for a further study of AKN proposition.

For that, I remark (I mentioned it in a previous comment) that going from one kite pivoting in the summit of the three tether segments to a kite network where all kites are pivoting, could be difficult at least, although not impossible. So, in order to scale more easily, the implementation of a Reversible kite in the style of Dave Culp’s OL SS kite could be a possibility. A lift-to-drag ratio of 2.5 or 3 can be expected.

My starting point with the three tether version of Payne #5 would be to look at the speed of the tether in the generator. If it is not very high, I would immediately suspect issues with tether mass/weight when scaling. Any sag developing at the slack tether will have to be taken up by the kite. This will reduce the effective stroke.

I seem to remember though, that we discussed Payne #5 earlier.

Lets assume that the tether forms an equilateral triangle where the distance between the legs is a ratio 1:n relative to the length of the legs. Then assume the kite is moving at a speed 2.5 * 2/3 ~ 1.7 times the wind speed (flying at glide ratio times a third slowdown due to harvesting power). In that case the speed of the tether at the power takeoff is 1.7 / (2n) times the wind speed. For n = 4 this makes sense, giving a tether speed of 0.2x windspeed [compared to 0.33x for yoyo].

This would mean though that is the front leg was totally slack and the rear leg was totally taught, that rig would produce less power than a yoyo based rig, with the only benefit being not flying downwind.

What I make of this is that the 1:n would only make sense for small values of n, maybe 1 < n < 3, maybe even smaller. This means again that the AWE rig would have to be large and flat and not really going to huge altitudes.

It also means that if you could make a kite more efficient, say a glide ratio of 10, you could go much higher and still use the Payne #5 concept.

Anyways - if you go low n, the tension in the tether will increase a lot. If you go high n, you will lose the ability to transfer power. You can’t add more tension with large n because the kite only provides so much lift.

For low n, you will get a high tension on the tether as the kite is pulling upwards while the legs will be stretched out. If it is high enough, tether mass will become an issue, in particular at scale due to square-cube scaling (square for kite area, cube for tether mass).

Anyways, I must conclude that Payne #5 could make sense, in particular with the right value of n and preferably more efficient kites.

If you extend from two to three legs, the winch speed will vary more depending on the wind direction, and the power takeoff must be in more than one place I presume. This will add a lot to the cost both because of more equipment, but also because the reeling speed will not be ideal much of the time. I will not analyze this further though.

For the AKN though the problem is maybe much worse as you can’t use the tether in a loop (connecting the two legs). So you maybe must use the motor to hold a force without producing power. Take for instance the legs facing 90 degrees to the network; they must have a huge tension but do not reel at all. As there is no practical way to make those legs “round trip” the tension must be maintained by either a brake or a motor. A motor will have large losses in such operation, and a brake is only feasible if there is absolutely no movement on the tether [which will only be true for legs accurately aligned to 90 degree to the wind].

That being said, I still don’t think the AKN is practically viable. I don’t see the point in debunking this based on pure speculation, when the authors have done such a poor job at actually describing what they would like to do.

Sorry for meandring in my reply here.


Thank you @tallakt for this analysis of which I still have some points to study.

Can we say that, all other things being equal, the more pulleys-anchors-legs there are, the less efficient the system is?

Yes what I saw looked to be originally written to imitate the form of a patent.
Sorry to see you guys all taking this so seriously.
Are you really all that gullible?
We have an expression regarding the veracity of information:
“Consider the source.”
Determine whether the source of some “information” is a known good source, or a known bad source.
Next saying:
I think we all know what GIGO stands for: garbage in / garbage out.
What you are looking at is eliciting questions from you as to what sense it makes.
Seems to me you have the GI.
Now you are asking for the GO.
And it seems that you are getting nothing, amounting to basically the GO you should expect.
Stop being so gullible.

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I forgot to add a simple problem; if you want to produce huge amounts of power on a tether, and the reeling speed depends on only kite speed, the friction must also be huge. This plain does not scale IMO. You need some mechanism to fix the tether to a PTO wheel. It you wrap it with many revolutions around a drum, twist and tether wear will appear. This is a nontrivial problem, in particular given the need for near zero friction to retain efficiency and low operating temperature

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I think I was pretty clear AKN or anything like it will not fly. Im just criticizing the idea based on my own extrapolations which seem more accurate than anything I see in a 100+ page document. Why could that be? That someone so involved in this over time, presumably years, with four people contributing, could not do better than what I am doing in five minutes on the back of an old envelope?

As for using trains for PTO the costs would be prohibitive. If the terrain was not right, one would have to drill tunnels underground, or some raised tracks. No need even to calculate costs on the back of an envelope here. Just look to HAWTs and it should be clear that this is just too expensive to make sense.


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Bit harsh @dougselsam
The most common gullible people are those who belive their own story without checking it’s veracity.
@tallakt has done the right thing here. A quick calculation /sketch /model /test can save you ages, keeps the problem solving muscle ticking, and makes sure you don’t miss a trick.

I remember drawing a double freewheel line pull input device for them years ago. It would take alternating pull from different directions.
I’m sure a multi line input to drive a central PTO is doable. And if it’s constrained by a lifting canopy then it will only be a short stroke so a short chain section may be able take the line wear.
If it can be handled properly
But - yep
A heck of a lot to handle and coordinate.

This device. Maybe a mechanical engineer would be better equipped than me to analyze it (as a software/controls person).

But what I see:

There are awfully many cogwheels in there. These each incur losses and in turn heat. For multi megawatt power harvesting, these things really matter a lot. Just look at the lengths Enercon went to to build a HAWT without a gearbox. The simple gearbox in a HAWT turned out to be a component that failed a lot.

Also, liberal use of pulleys seem to be required to align tethers to this device, also incurring friction

Going from w1 to d requires no less than 12 cogwheels to be involved, and still providing only minimal gearing ratio.

Though this device could be placed on ground [as opposed to in the nacelle] , making some things easier, I would not say the designers are out of the woods on this.

I expect a simpler device would be necessary to achieve any sensible LCOE. One of my personal philosofies is: «Making complex stuff is the easy part, coming up with the simple stuff takes more effort». Often simple design is just not achieveable…

The fact that we are not seeing any numbers whatsoever tells me that this is just a «nice» idea so far, void of real engineering necessary to gauge whether that idea makes any sense.

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I think @Kitewinder uses a right angle for kiwee’s rope drive transmission in order to avoid something like this, right?

But KiteBorne Nano System, based on Payne’s patent figure 5 (two pulleys-anchors-legs), flew and produced energy. To resume increasing the number of pulleys-anchors-legs leads to decreasing efficiency?

Yes it was a nice demo. And also my post above indicates that there is nothing to prevent Payne #5 from working.

My thoughts were more in the lines of if a tether over a drum has 100 N tension and speed 0.1x wind, that may work, maybe by adding sticky wax or something to the PTO wheel. The power will be 100 W. But if you say the PTO must produce 100 MW, and the tether speed is still 0.1x wind speed, the tension must be 100 MN. At that tension, and the tether diameter only scales with square root of scale, the pressures involved are enormous. You cant just assume that the tether acts as a rope and the simplest friction rule from high school is still accurate.

For Payne #5 with two tethers I could come up with workable solutions without much friction loss. For the three tether version, at least I could not make up something much better than the sketch above at this moment. Though I would never rule out an invention being made.

And yes, every pulley, cogwheel or other moving part will surely add to energy loss.

Because at the end, the amount of sail area vs power output does matter. All these losses are death by a thousand cuts.

All this can be analyzed quite consisely knowing that power transfer for AWE should be a combination of bounding and hovering production. How movement and forces align will tell you a lot about how that sail area is being used efficiently or not (ie producing just forces or also energy)


The Kiteborne demo has a ratio of approximately 1:1 by the looks of it [n=1]. This gives nice reeling speed on the ground but is very impractical as you need a lot of ground space. So increasing n would make it increasingly difficult to extract good power.


Sorry again for posting so many posts there seem to be a lot of ideas floating around.

I believe @kitewinder improved on the situation (using reeling power transfer) by having a gearing ratio on the tether drum. In this way the reeling tether can move much faster, reducing the need for a lot of friction. This is a very sensible design choice in my opinion.

For anything built on Payne #5 such gearing does not seem possible, as the kite itself is dragging the tether, we don’t have a drum


right @tallakt , we have a multiplication ratio on the upper part within the right angle. multiplication ratio is golden number. Did not make it on purpose. we just discover that afterward .
For rope drive transmission, you will always try to minimize differential tension between slack and tense strand to maximize drive belt efficiency . So you have better to speed the rope drive in oder to decrease differential tension. Frisction is not really an issue in fact. you simply have to choose the right materials with apropriate dimensions to make sure things will not slip


No challenge here, @tallakt; just sharing.
Tether wear on pullies and capstans is long resolved in rigging practice. Leo Goldstein’s (AWElabs) papers and patents, David Santos’ literature, and rigging manuals show that incorporating a suitably robust wearing section, like a belt, chain, or rope sleeve, provides a suitable lifecycle rating. The PTO basis can also be a mobile vehicle on a track like the electric locomotives cited as a model.

As to whether an AKN can fly, the prototypes have been flying exactly as designed, but the photos and videos are proprietarily owned. As for the four expert authors, two have mathematical physics PhDs from upper tier Universities, and the other two have well over a century combined of career sailing, aviation, aerospace, and kite-pro backgrounds.
It will be interesting to have @PierreB report back on his further studies.

Then there should be no problem answering my challenge?

I was not considering wear and tear, just friction that would cause energy losses.

I am honestly slightly disappointed with that answer, because it adds nothing to the discussion about AKN…

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Questions about Moderation

It can be another although comparable friction issue?

is it a question for me @PierreB ? and if yes, what is the question ? sorry I don’t get it